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Learn more about our research policies.

GlobE – Research for the global food supply : , Theme: research

Securing the global food supply is a central aim of the National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030. The BMBF launched the funding initiative "Securing the Global Food Supply" to support the global development of sustainable, high-output agriculture.

Horizon 2020 – The European Research Framework Programme : , Theme: research

Research and innovation take priority in Europe. They are an important part of European integration and a matter of great interest in Germany. The new "Horizon 2020" framework programme sets out to create sustainable growth and viable jobs in Europe.

Israel : , Theme: Worldwide Networking

The cooperation between Germany and Israel  includes the EU's research framework programmes in which Israel has been participating since 1996.

Welcome to Germany : , Theme: education

Germany is meeting the challenges of global competition while creating secure and sustainable jobs for the future.

Maria Sibylla Merian Centres : Date: , Theme: about us

The Federal Research Ministry is driving forward the internationalization of the humanities, cultural and social sciences through its international research centres, the Maria Sibylla Merian Centres for Advanced Studies.

BMBF Foresight : , Theme: about us

BMBF Foresight is a strategic instrument of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) that provides technology foresight and the determination of future societal needs in terms of research and development.

Environment and Climate : , Theme: research

The Federal Government is committed to progressing the Energy Transition in Germany, stopping climate change, and raising awareness for the importance of sustainability for ecology, economy and society.

The Future Research and Innovation Strategy : , Theme: research

The German Government is realigning its research and innovation policy. With the "Future Research and Innovation Strategy", it wants to dare more progress in order to strengthen Germany's innovative powers and secure Europe's technological sovereignty.

Energy and Economy : , Theme: research

Renewable energy, sustainable mobility, demographic change: the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is supporting sustainable development in the economy and society with two framework programmes and a number of funding measures.

Clusters - Networks - International : , Theme: research

Innovative regions need strong international partners to remain globally competitive. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has therefore been supporting international collaborations among clusters with over 80 million euros since 2014.