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The Future Research and Innovation Strategy : , Theme: research

The German Government is realigning its research and innovation policy. With the "Future Research and Innovation Strategy", it wants to dare more progress in order to strengthen Germany's innovative powers and secure Europe's technological sovereignty.

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The Future Research and Innovation Strategy defines the goals, milestones and priorities of the Federal Government’s research and innovation policy for the coming years. It establishes the framework conditions for an innovation system that contributees significantly to protecting our natural resources, securing Germany’s international competitiveness, strengthening societal resilience, and boosting economic strength.

Three aspects are particularly important in this context:

  • Advancing research transfer: We must strengthen the translation of research into application. The aim is for innovative solutions developed by scientists to become relevant in people’s lives. This is why the Federal Government intends to develop and optimise the structures for innovation and transfer in the framework of the strategy.
  • Fostering technology neutrality: We must become more open to all technologies throughout society. That is why we want to promote the development of different technologies that offer suitable solutions to the various challenges we face. This ensures our own freedom of action and that of generations to come. In order to achieve these goals, the Federal Government is realigning its research and innovation policy across all departments.
  • Striving for technology leadership: We want to maintain and expand our technological lead in specific areas and want to become new leaders in other areas. Germany and the European Union must be able to understand, develop and produce key technologies on their own.

The Future Strategy triggers this important process. It lays the foundation for Germany and Europe to play a decisive role with regard to the major issues of the coming years.

In early December 2023, the Federal Cabinet adopted the first Federal Government Report on the Implementation of the Future Research and Innovation Strategy (in German). The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) was in charge of drafting the report.

Six missions: Shaping transformation processes together

In the face of current challenges, six missions were defined, reflecting the areas flagged as central to our future in the coalition agreement for the 20th legislative period:

(1) Enable a competitive industry that is characterised by resource efficiency and circularity, and sustainable mobility

(2) Advance climate protection, climate adaptation, food security, and the conservation of biodiversity

(3) Improve health for all

(4) Secure Germany’s and Europe’s digital and technological sovereignty and harnessing the potential of digitalisation

(5) Strengthen the space sector; exploring, protecting and making sustainable use of space and oceans

(6) Foster the resilience, diversity and cohesion of society

The missions are being implemented by six mission teams whose members are representatives from different Federal Ministries. The Forum #Zukunftsstrategie monitors the implementation of the Future Strategy and provides advice that feeds diverse perspectives into the implementation process.

To achieve these goals, the Federal Government is realigning research and innovation policy across the Federal Ministries.

graphic that shows an overview of the Future Research and Innovation Strategy

The Future Research and Innovation Strategy enhances the conditions for research and innovation (dark blue tiles). It defines six missions for the targeted development of solutions to the challenges of our time (light blue tiles).

Advice based on dialogue: the Forum #Zukunftsstrategie

The Forum #Zukunftsstrategie advises the Federal Government on the implementation of the Future Research and Innovation Strategy. It comprises 21 members from industry, science and civil society, and supports the political leaders and mission teams in implementing the Future Strategy and developing Germany’s innovation policy.

Enhancing framework conditions and making achievements tangible

The Future Research and Innovation Strategy is aimed at enhancing the framework conditions of innovation policy. In addition to the six missions, it focuses on six fields of action (see above visual):

  • Prepare the ground for tomorrow’s progress: The aim is to consolidate the knowledge base and ease access to technological infrastructures.
  • Turn new insights into innovations: Strengthening research transfer is about translating new findings into innovative products or services more quickly. To achieve this, the aim is to empower innovation regions, build bridges for transfer between research and industry, and strengthen the innovative capacities of businesses in all areas of the economy.
  • Intensify European and international cooperation: The aim is to bolster multilateralism and protect the freedom and security of science and research, as well as to strengthen the international dimension of Germany’s research and higher education system and shape the European Research Area and Horizon Europe. Strengthening international research and innovation partnerships is an important focus.
  • Strengthen involvement in research and innovation: In order to boost research and innovation capacities in Germany, talent must be promoted across the board and at the very top, and scientists must be provided with good working conditions. The aim is to unlock the potential of international skilled workers.
  • Promote talents at grassroots and at top level: The aim is to involve the public and relevant stakeholders more strongly in research and innovation. The overall objective is to expand the industrial innovation base and foster involvement in innovation.
  • Establish agile research and innovation policy: The aim is to modernise funding processes and create more flexible and future-oriented conditions.

Shaping the future together

The Future Research and Innovation Strategy thrives on direct participation and involvement. It benefits from ideas generated by the science and business communities as well as by the people in our country. The Federal Government will therefore offer numerous formats to report on results, discuss the progress of the Future Strategy, and invite experts and citizens alike to share their perspectives and ideas.