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Green Talents : , Theme: research

Since 2009 the annual "Green Talents - International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development" honors young scientists working in the field of environmental and sustainability research.

Green Talents 2019
Green Talents 2019 © DLR/Manuela Meyer

The German Federal Government recognizes global warming, energy shortages, resource scarcity, and massive environmental contamination as some of the biggest global challenges of today. When dealing with these issues, the Federal Research Ministry believes in cultural plurality and creativity to encourage the development of global solutions. This international approach is supported by the annual Green Talents competition, focusing on young outstanding minds active in the field of environmental and sustainability research.

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„The best was that my work for sustainability was recognized by the competition. I acknowledge that Germany puts a lot of effort on research and attracting international talent.”

Maria Mondejar (Alumni 2015)

Since 2009 a high-ranking jury of German experts from academia and industry select the “Green Talents” amongst a numerous number of applicants according to their scientific excellence and innovative research potentials. Open to a broad spectrum of disciplines from chemistry to urban planning the competition invites young scientists to participate in a ten-day science forum in Germany. Here they visit hot spots of sustainability research and gain first hand information about the country’s renowned research landscape. These visits also lay the foundation for the establishment of international research cooperation in the future.

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„I really valued meeting the other Green Talents and feeling like such a welcome and valued guest in Germany. The relationships I formed during the Forum and during my individual research stay will last throughout my career.”

Hannah Harrison (Alumni 2017)

Science forum and the research stay are funded by the BMBF

Moreover, the Green Talents are given the unique opportunity to conduct a research stay of up to three months at an institution of their choice the year following the forum. This enables the participants to learn about sustainability research in Germany while building up or strengthening their professional networks. Both the science forum and the research stay are funded by the BMBF.

By being awarded as a Green Talent, the young scientists become ambassadors of sustainable research in their home countries. In addition, they receive access to a growing, exclusive international network of international High-Potentials. The award is embedded within the FONA-framework programme and therefore supports the goals of intensifying international cooperation in the field of sustainable development.

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„The most incredible thing that happened was simply opening the door to Germany as a place of residence and a place to carry out my profession in energy and the environment to the highest level. The opportunities created through the Green Talents have been unparalleled and I am very grateful for every opportunity I have to interact and collaborate with award winners.”

Andrew March (Alumni 2010)

Green Talents 2019: Awardees of 2019 on tour through Germany

The Green Talents Competition targets outstanding young scientists who are active in the field of sustainable development. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) fosters interdisciplinary approaches in this regard. The motto of this year’s competition is “Smart Green Planet – Solutions for a Sustainable Future”. Please take a look at the profiles of this year’s awardees: