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Microelectronics : , Theme: research

The preservation and expansion of technological sovereignty in Germany and Europe are essential to ensure our innovative and competitive strength.

We must step up our support for technological developments which play a key role in the economy and society. Microelectronics has an important role to play here, as it determines the capabilities of digital systems. This of course applies to smartphones and other everyday devices we have at home. But it also affects industrial machinery, cars, trains, communication networks or medical technology. These are sectors in which Germany is strongly positioned as a country of innovation. We want it to stay that way.

To achieve this, it is crucial that we have the expertise required to design the most advanced microelectronics and that we can cooperate with others on an equal footing in this field. To achieve this, we rely on our strengths in research and development. They form the basis of our power to innovate. This is why the BMBF is providing targeted funding for research and innovation in microelectronics in the years 2021-2024: 400 million euros under the Federal Government's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation "Microelectronics. Reliable and sustainable. For Germany and Europe".

Trustworthiness and sustainability as pillars of future electronics

For electronics to be trustworthy, we need to understand it. We can only do this if we have cutting-edge expertise in industry and the scientific community and develop this continuously. The more we design, develop, manufacture advanced electronics ourselves and ensure their safety and security, the better we will understand what third-party electronics can and cannot do. This enables us to work on an equal footing worldwide and to enforce requirements for electronic systems we use or operate.

Sustainability plays a part in this. We need digitalisation and hence electronics that work in line with our climate goals instead of further increasing the consumption of resources. These are the central aspects of the new programme.

Together for a strong Europe

We are striving for Europe’s technological sovereignty and, at the same time, we are eager to engage in cooperation. Given the highly networked knowledge and value chains in electronics, cooperation is necessary and advantageous. In this context, we give priority to collaborations in the European Single Market and the European Research Area based on shared values. We thus support the development of European electronics
expertise in research and production so that Europe can continue to be strong as a community in the international competition.