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Zarah Bruhn : , Theme: about us

Commissioner for Social Innovation

Zarah Bruhn, Beauftragte für Soziale Innovationen
Zarah Bruhn, Beauftragte für Soziale Innovationen © BMBF/Hans-Joachim Rickel

Social entrepreneur and start-up founder Zarah Bruhn was appointed Commissioner for Social Innovation at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on 1 April 2022. Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger created the new position with a view to strengthening social innovation.

As Commissioner for Social Innovation, Zarah Bruhn will support the BMBF in promoting the creation of space and networks for social innovation and its implementation. This is also the goal of the national strategy agreed by the government coalition to foster social innovation and support stakeholders.

Zarah Bruhn

“Being a social entrepreneur is my passion, this topic is what I am about. My aim is to support social innovators and help them realize their ideas. These are people who help shape advances in our society and who work to address the challenges of our time with dedication and commitment every day. As Commissioner for Social Innovation, I want to play my part in enabling the full development of this vast potential in our society. I look forward to my new tasks and am ready to get to work.”