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Mario Brandenburg : , Theme: About us

Commissioner for Research Transfer and Spin-offs

Portrait von Mario Brandenburg
Mario Brandenburg © Bundesregierung / Steffen Kugler

Mario Brandenburg is Commissioner for Research Transfer and Spin-offs at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). As such, he develops, coordinates and acts as interdepartmental representative for key activities concerning transfer and spin-offs from research into application. He reaches out to important actors in the knowledge, innovation and transfer system, and he serves as the interface between government, parliament, science, industry, civil society and the relevant communities. He is also the central contact for actors within higher education, non-university research institutions, SMEs and civil society. As Commissioner for Research Transfer and Spin-offs, he is involved in developing the strategy for the German Agency for Transfer and Innovation (DATI) and its establishment. He is also an active contributor to the development of a start-up strategy. He is the successor to Thomas Sattelberger in this function.

Mario Brandenburg:

“A prime location for innovation needs to establish strong links between research, industry and society. Research in Germany is excellent, but there is potential for improvement as regards the transfer of its results into application. This is where I want to start work and continue the efforts made by my predecessor. I want to remove obstacles to transfer while at the same time strengthening transfer and start-up culture. I am very much looking forward to this task.” 

Thomas Sattelberger:

“A start-up strategy for Germany will thrive on research-intensive spin-offs from science. Mario Brandenburg is an excellent choice. He is extremely familiar with this topic.”