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The Americas and Canada : , Theme: Worldwide Networking

The United States of America and Canada are important partners in scientific and technological cooperation. There is close networking between students and researchers, and a myriad of projects in numerous fields reflect the intensity of cooperation.

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US and Canada

Cooperation with the US is based on over 50 bilateral cooperation agreements. These agreements are the cornerstone of a close network of German-American research projects which cover the entire spectrum of research topics.

Canada is a key cooperation partner for Germany in a number of areas. Cooperation with Canadian institutions is essential in areas such as Arctic and marine research. Canadian and German researchers are also reaping the benefits of successful cooperation in the fields of plant breeding, the development of fuel cells and neuroscience.

Central and South America

The Federal Government continues to expand targeted cooperation with the Central and South American region on education and research. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru are currently the focus countries. The themes of research cooperation are diverse, ranging from the preservation of biodiversity, environmental protection and technologies, climate change and health research to innovative technologies for sustainable food production and energy resources.