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Transregional activities : , Theme: about us

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides funding for key transregional initiatives, in particular in the fields of health, climate change, nutrition and capacity building.

Überregionale Aktivitäten in Afrika
The BMBF provides funding for important transregional initiatives in Africa. © Thinkstock

Health innovation networks

The BMBF establishes health research networks to make a significant contribution towards improving health research. All networks are coordinated by local African researchers and focus on combating diseases that pose a particular risk to people on the African continent. These include tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, the so-called “neglected tropical diseases” as well as the increasing incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases which poses an additional problem to Africa’s poorly developed healthcare systems. The research networks will strengthen the healthcare systems in the African partner countries over the long term.

The BMBF is providing around 50 million euros up until 2022 for the new funding initiative “Research Networks for Health Innovations in sub-Saharan Africa”.

A second phase to fund additional research networks is currently being prepared.

The pan-African AIMS initiative

The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) was founded in 2003 in Cape Town, South Africa, to counter the low number of trained mathematics experts in Africa. Due to the very successful development of AIMS South Africa, the AIMS Next Einstein Initiative (AIMS-NEI) was launched in 2008 to establish further mathematics centres in Africa based on the AIMS South Africa model. AIMS centres are now operating in South Africa, Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon, Tanzania and Rwanda. The initiative enjoys great acceptance around the globe. AIM’s mission is to support excellent young researchers through Master’s degrees.

The BMBF establishes German research chairs at AIMS centres in accordance with international standards via the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH). The first research chair in Senegal has been receiving funding since 2012. This German research chair has become well established and enjoys widespread recognition. The successful development was a vital prerequisite for developing this pilot scheme into the BMBF funding measure “German Research Chairs” with additional research chairs at AIMS Ghana, South Africa, Cameroon and Tanzania (2014-2024). The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) implements measures to promote cooperation with German universities in direct support of the chairs. This is intended to create lasting close ties to Germany. Funding is also provided for doctoral students and post-doctoral positions.

This support will be increased through the establishment of five new research chairs at AIMS centres including Rwanda, Ghana and Senegal (2019-2029).

The Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (PAUWES) in Algeria

Germany is a key thematic partner for the establishment of the Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (PAUWES) in Algeria. The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the BMBF are working together to support the institute, with the BMBF focusing on research development. For example, it created a research agenda in cooperation with the institute as well as African and German experts. The first research projects have already been launched.