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The Palestinian territories : , Theme: international affairs

The German Federal Government has intensified its relations with the Palestinian Territories and supports the two-state solution. In 2014, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research agreed to cooperate at ministerial level.

View of Ramallah © Thinkstock/Sanchezgrande

The BMBF’s aim in developing cooperation with the Palestinian territories is to support young researchers in particular and to contribute to capacity building. Another aim is for science diplomacy to encourage transborder exchanges and networking of researchers and to contribute to the consolidation of bilateral relations.

Creating prospects for lasting cooperation

Both sides have been engaged in intensifying their cooperation in education, science and research since signing an interministerial agreement to strengthen cooperation in 2014. In particular, they aim to promote the mobility of Palestinian students, doctoral candidates and researchers and to provide them with access to international scientific exchange and relevant networks. Another aim is to help develop the necessary research infrastructure at Palestinian higher education and research institutions in order to support their own further development.

The Palestinian-German Science Bridge (PGSB)

The Palestinian-German Science Bridge pilot project serves to develop a joint integrated research and doctoral programme between Forschungszentrum Jülich with its network of German partner universities and the Palestinian universities. The aim is to give excellent graduates of Palestinian universities the possibility to take part in the research activities of the research centre in Jülich as part of successive bachelor, master and doctoral theses and thus to gain an academic training that will enable them to compete on the global job market. If successful, when they return home they can help towards the development of sustainable research cooperation and the gradual development of research structures up to and including their own doctoral programmes. The Science Bridge joint research and PhD programme represents a significant qualitative upgrading of German-Palestinian cooperation in education, science and research.

Transregional and interdisciplinary cooperation at the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA)

The activities and research projects of the BMBF-funded AGYA network of excellence at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities generally involve Arab countries and Germany with a transregional approach which promotes cooperation between Germany and one or more Arab countries. Mainly interdisciplinary research projects are carried out by way of six working groups (Energy, Water and Environment; Arab and German Education; Dynamics of Transformation; Common Heritage and Common Challenges; Health and Society; Innovation). Palestinian researchers are among the members and alumni of AGYA.

Multilateral activities

EU activities in the Mediterranean

With the joint communication of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission on a “renewed partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood - A new agenda for the Mediterranean” published in early February 2021, the EU is endeavouring to inject new dynamism into its relations with this region. One of the central priorities is a new “economic and investment plan” which proposes to mobilize up to 7 billion euros in cooperation with the international financial institutions and the private sector and up to an additional 30 billion euros in public and private investment. According to the joint communication, the aim is to achieve a “green, digital, resilient and just recovery”.

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is one of the biggest funding programmes in the world for research and innovation and even more extensive than its predecessor Horizon 2020. It focuses on important issues for society such as health, sustainable development and digital transformation. Most Horizon Europe calls are open to participants from non-associated countries and international organizations which also includes the Palestinian territories.

Union for the Mediterranean

The Union for the Mediterranean is an intergovernmental institution which brings together 42 countries to promote dialogue and cooperation. Its members include the Palestinian territories.