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Middle East and Africa : , Theme: Worldwide Networking

One focus of the Federal Government's Internationalization Strategy is on cooperation with developing and emerging countries. Germany's education and research cooperation with countries in Africa and the Middle East has a long tradition.

Afrika und Naher Osten
© Thinkstock

Africa’s wealth of cultural diversity and natural resources makes it a continent of opportunities. Its youthful population (half are under 25 years old) harbours high innovative potential for sustainable development in the region. Processes of economic and social change are evidence of the unfolding momentum. Education, science and research are playing an ever greater role and excellent institutions in these areas have become established. The range of opportunities for cooperation with international research teams is growing too – cooperation on a partnership basis and for mutual benefit.

General conditions

A common concern throughout Africa and the Middle East is the future of their young generation. A shortage of jobs, also for young university graduates with good qualifications, means economic and social insecurity for large sections of the population. Investment in education, science and research can open up new prospects and interrupt negative cycles. The Africa Strategy of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) promotes cooperation between German scientists and educational and science organizations and partners from Africa and the Middle East.

Cooperation topics

Cooperation focuses on topics which are of key importance in societies facing common societal and global challenges – health, nutrition, climate, water and energy as well as local capacity building and research on innovation and employability are at the core of our initiatives.

In addition to long-standing scientific cooperation with countries such as Egypt, South Africa and Jordan, agreements have also been concluded with Tunisia, Morocco and the Palestinian Territories. We are constantly striving with these and other partners to provide fresh impetus for cooperation and to develop innovative solutions to the pressing challenges of our time. Good bilateral relations are often supplemented by networks at European level.