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International Future Labs : , Theme: about us

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds international research cooperation in future-oriented areas such as artificial intelligence and green hydrogen.

International Future Labs
International Future Labs © BMBF

“What are International Future Labs?”

Cutting-edge research thrives on international collaboration. With this in mind, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research launched the International Future Labs funding initiative, which brings together scientists from all over the world to research in Germany.

The BMBF already successfully established three International Future Labs for artificial intelligence research in 2020.

Under a new funding call published on 8 February 2021, the BMBF has now paved the way for further future labs focusing on green hydrogen. The objective is to fund research on fundamental questions along the entire hydrogen value chain, from production and refinement to transport and use.

International Future Labs for Artificial Intelligence : Date: , Theme: international affairs

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding three international research groups to conduct joint research in Germany on various areas of artificial intelligence (AI).