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What is AI and why do we need International Future Labs? : Date: , Theme: International Future Labs

In four short videos, the BMBF and researchers show how artificial intelligence (AI) can benefit the population.

Mensch und Roboter geben sich die Hand. Ein Ohr, Auge, Wegweiser und eine Lupe symbolisieren im Hintergrund die Entscheidungsbereiche, in denen KI Menschen helfen kann.
KI ist eine Unterstützung für uns Menschen, die uns beim Hören, Sehen, Analysieren und Entscheiden helfen kann. © BMBF

Three International Future Labs of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) are bringing together top-class researchers from Germany and abroad to jointly develop AI solutions that will provide valuable opportunities for both society and individuals.

AI can assist the analysis of satellite data collected in outer space, for example to support the early detection and control of forest fires. This is the area addressed by researchers working in the AI4EO Future Lab.

Using AI for data analysis also offers great opportunities in medicine which include early diagnoses and personalised treatment plans that may save lives. This is the focus of the Leibniz AI Lab.

And intelligent robot systems which steer and optimise biotechnological tests autonomously can make pharmaceuticals production less expensive and more sustainable. Such autonomous biotech systems are the focus of the KIWI-biolab. More opportunities offered by the AI solutions of the three International Future Labs are presented in the four short videos.

Video 1: International Future Labs for Artificial Intelligence – What is AI? (with English subtitles)

International Future Labs for Artificial Intelligence – Video 1: "What is AI?" (with English subtitles)

This video on the International Future Labs for Artificial Intelligence explains what AI is. It is the first of a series of four explanatory videos. The video contains English subtitles.

: Video : 01:55

Video 2: International Future Labs for Artificial Intelligence – AI4EO Future Lab: How data from outer space helps improve life on Earth (with English subtitles)

International Future Labs for Artificial Intelligence – AI4EO Future Lab: How data from outer space helps improve life on Earth (with English subtitles)

This video deals with research in the AI4EO Future Lab, which uses satellite data to monitor change in urban and natural environments. AI helps researchers to quickly analyse large amounts of data and enables early warning of imminent danger from forest fires or flooding as well as the assessment of urban growth.

Video 3: International Future Labs for Artificial Intelligence – Leibniz AI Lab: How algorithms help us develop secure and responsible systems for medicine (with English subtitles)

International Future Labs for Artificial Intelligence – Leibniz AI Lab: How algorithms help us develop secure and responsible systems for medicine (with English subtitles)

This video presents the Leibniz AI Lab, which aims to use AI in the early detection of disease and for the design of treatments that meet individual patient needs.

Video 4: International Future Labs for Artificial Intelligence – KIWI-biolab: How lab computers can plan and optimise research experiments autonomously (with English subtitles)

International Future Labs for Artificial Intelligence – KIWI-biolab: How lab computers can plan and optimise research experiments autonomously (with English subtitles)

This video shows how the KIWI-biolab aims to use AI to make laboratory equipment smarter so that it can autonomously produce chemical compounds for pharmaceuticals or biodiesel. This will make the manufacture of the end products cheaper and more sustainable.