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The AI4EO International Future Lab for Artificial Intelligence team, (left to right). Top row: Professor Xiaoxiang Zhu (Science Director), Dr. Matthias Kahl (Management Team), Susann Houben (Management Team), Konstantin Klemmer (fellow); second row: Dr. Sudipan Saha (Management Team), Katharina Hechinger (doctoral student), Christoph Koller (associate PhD), Professor Lichao Mou (Core Scientist); third row: Konrad Heidler (associate PhD), Dr. Diana Mancera Guevara (Management Team), Yuansheng Hua (associate PhD), Prof. Dr. Mrinalini Kochupillai (Core Scientist); bottom row: Dr. Daniela Espinoza-Molina (Management Team), Jakob Gawlikowski (associate PhD), Mohsin Ali (associate PhD), Dr. Anja Rösel (Budget Manager).

Das Team des Internationalen Zukunftslabors Künstliche Intelligenz AI4EO
The AI4EO International Future Lab for Artificial Intelligence team, (left to right). Top row: Professor Xiaoxiang Zhu (Science Director), Dr. Matthias Kahl (Management Team), Susann Houben (Management Team), Konstantin Klemmer (fellow); second row: Dr. Sudipan Saha (Management Team), Katharina Hechinger (doctoral student), Christoph Koller (associate PhD), Professor Lichao Mou (Core Scientist); third row: Konrad Heidler (associate PhD), Dr. Diana Mancera Guevara (Management Team), Yuansheng Hua (associate © AI4EO