Excellence Strategy

Higher Education Institutions

Strengthening cutting-edge research at German universities: Clusters of Excellence and Universities of Excellence to enhance international competitiveness.


  • The Excellence Strategy strengthens German science in international competition.
  • Funding is provided for Clusters of Excellence over a period of seven years to support cutting-edge research in specific research fields, pursuing a cross-disciplinary approach – from basic research to collective behaviour to cybersecurity.
  • Universities of Excellence are funded on a lasting basis to unlock the potential of outstanding universities and strengthen their international competitiveness.

In 2016, the Federal Government and the Länder agreed to launch a new funding programme to provide lasting support for cutting-edge research at German universities. The main objective is to strengthen the international competitiveness and visibility of German science in the long term.The funding is to enable scientific excellence, raise the profile of universities and encourage even closer links and cooperation in the science system. In this way, the Excellence Strategy combines support for cutting-edge research with long-term strategic investment in the higher education system.

The Excellence Strategy builds on its predecessor programme, the Excellence Initiative 2007-2017, which

  • contributed to excellent research performance,
  • strengthened cooperation between universities and non-university partners and
  • resulted in increasing links between German universities and universities all over the world.

The Excellence Strategy comprises two elements or funding lines: the Clusters of Excellence and the Universities of Excellence (ExU).

Clusters of Excellence

The Clusters of Excellence funding line provides project-based support, including across disciplines, for internationally competitive research fields addressed by individual universities or university networks. The Clusters of Excellence involve researchers from various disciplines and institutions cooperating in a research project. The funding enables them to focus intensively on the objective of their research, train young talent and recruit international top researchers. Universities hosting Clusters of Excellence can furthermore apply for a university allowance (Universitätspauschale) as additional strategic funding to strengthen their organization and strategic orientation. Clusters of Excellence are funded for seven years. A second funding period of another seven years is possible. Funding calls are issued regularly every seven years.

Universities of Excellence

The Universities of Excellence funding line serves to strengthen the universities or a university network as an institution and to expand their international leadership in research on the basis of successful Clusters of Excellence. Universities wishing to apply for University of Excellence funding must therefore be involved as applicants in at least two – in the case of university networks at least three – Clusters of Excellence. Universities of Excellence receive long-term funding but are subject to an evaluation every seven years to prove that they still fulfil the prerequisites for funding.

Federal Government-Länder funding

The selection of Clusters of Excellence and Universities of Excellence is based on a science-led procedure. This procedure is conducted by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Wissenschaftsrat on behalf of the Federal Government and the Länder. Since January 2019, 57 Clusters of Excellence (PDF, 314kB, file does not meet accessibility standards) have been receiving funding for an initial period of seven years. On 1 February 2024, the Committee of Experts selected 41 proposals for the second funding phase from 2026. All the Clusters of Excellence which currently receive funding can submit follow-up proposals. In the Universities of Excellence funding line, ten individual universities and one university network have been receiving funding since November 2019.On 4 November 2022, the Joint Science Conference (GWK) of the Federal Government and the Länder decided to develop the Excellence Strategy further. Annual amounts of 539 million euros will be provided for up to 70 Clusters of Excellence from the second funding period to strengthen the competitive area. From 2026, the overall annual budget of the Excellence Strategy will be 687 million euros. The Federal Government will continue to provide 75 percent of the funds, while the remaining 25 percent are funded by the Land that hosts the Cluster of Excellence or University of Excellence.

Häufig gestellte Fragen – FAQ

Why was the Federal-Länder agreement on the Excellence Strategy amended in 2022?

The Excellence Strategy is designed for the longer term. However, readjustment of the programme was necessary before the start of the second funding phase. The aim of adjustment was to take up and strengthen the dynamic development of cutting-edge research at universities in order to enhance the international competitiveness of the German science system. With two modifications, the Federal Government and the Länder ensure reasonable chances of success for new and existing Clusters of Excellence in the second round of funding:

  • a one-time expansion of the competitive area in the Clusters of Excellence funding line to allow funding for up to 70 cases and provision of the required additional financial resources.

How much money is available for the second funding phase of the Excellence Strategy?

Annual amounts of 539 million euros will be available for the Clusters of Excellence funding line from 2026. The Federal Government continues to provide 75 percent of these amounts, that is, approximately 115 million euros more per year than in the first funding phase. An overall annual budget of 687 million euros provided by the Federal Government and the Länder will in future be available to the Excellence Strategy (of which roughly 515 million euros will be federal funds). In the Universities of Excellence funding line, up to four additional cases of funding will be possible in the second funding phase from 2027. Additional financial resources will be made available as required.

What is the selection schedule for the second funding phase? Clusters of Excellence funding line:

  • 22 August 2024: deadline for submission of full proposals
  • Beginning of October 2024 to mid-February 2025: proposal review
  • 22 May 2025: funding decision by the Excellence Commission
  • 1 January 2026: start of funding

Universities of Excellence/Excellence Networks funding line:

  • August 2025: deadline for submission of self-assessment reports by existing ExU, start of evaluation process
  • Mid-November 2025: deadline for submission of new proposals
  • October to December 2025: site visits to existing ExU
  • March 2026: assessment of evaluation results by the Committee of Experts
  • April to June 2026: site visits for new proposals
  • September 2026: funding decision on new proposals by the Excellence Commission
  • 1 January 2027: start of funding

Who decides on the provision of funding under the Excellence Strategy?

The selection of Clusters of Excellence and Universities of Excellence is based on a science-led procedure. This means that the main criterion for funding is the scientific quality of the proposals. The proposals and self-assessment reports are evaluated by renowned international researchers. The funding decision is taken by the Excellence Commission, which comprises 39 experts from all disciplines and the Federal and Länder Ministers responsible for science and research.The selection procedure is conducted by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for the Clusters of Excellence and by the Wissenschaftsrat for the Universities of Excellence on behalf of the Federal Government and the Länder.

What role does interdisciplinarity play in the Clusters of Excellence?

The Excellence Strategy is open to projects from all disciplines and to proposals for cross-disciplinary Clusters of Excellence. The committee which assesses the results of scientific evaluation and makes recommendations for funding draws on the inter- and transdisciplinary expertise of its members. The special challenges of evaluating interdisciplinary proposals are met by the evaluation procedure.

How is quality assurance achieved in the Excellence Strategy?

Funding is based exclusively on scientific criteria in both funding lines. With a view to quality assurance of the overall programme, the Committee of Experts provides the GWK with regular reports on the experience gained with both funding lines. In addition, the Federal Government and the Länder decided in November 2022 that an external evaluation involving international experts will be commissioned on completion of the second funding phase to study the Excellence Strategy’s impact with regard to the agreed objectives.

Editorial deadline for this text: 01.11.2024