Cooperation topics
Cooperation focuses on topics which are of key importance in societies facing common societal and global challenges – health, nutrition, climate, water and energy as well as local capacity building and research on innovation and employability are at the core of our initiatives.
In addition to long-standing scientific cooperation with countries such as Egypt, South Africa and Jordan, agreements have also been concluded with Tunisia and the Palestinian Territories. Programmes like the BMBF-funded research chairs at the African Institute for Mathematical Science (AIMS) have established long-standing collaborations with Rwanda, Senegal, Ghana, Tanzania and Cameroon.
We are constantly striving with these and other partners to provide fresh impetus for cooperation and to develop innovative solutions to the pressing challenges of our time.
Advancement of excellence in academia and research
The advancement of excellence is one of the top priorities of German research and science policy in Africa and the Middle East. We support outstanding researchers and young talent. The BMBF provides funding for the following networks of excellence:
African Institute for Mathematical Science (AIMS)
The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) was founded in 2003 in Cape Town, South Africa, to counter the low number of trained mathematics experts in Africa. AIMS centres are now operating in South Africa, Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon and Rwanda. The initiative enjoys great acceptance around the globe. AIMS’ mission is to support excellent young researchers through Master’s degree courses.
The BMBF establishes German research chairs at AIMS centres in accordance with international standards via the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH). The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) implements measures to promote cooperation with German universities in direct support of the chairs. This is intended to create lasting close ties to Germany. Funding is also provided for doctoral students and post-doctoral positions.
Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA)
The most important aim of AGYA is to strengthen the interdisciplinary research collaboration of excellent Arab and German scientists in the humanities, life sciences, natural sciences, social sciences, technology and the arts.
AGYA supports its Arab and German members in the joint development of solutions in the areas of nature conservation and the sustainable use of resources, transnational migration, nutrition and health, national heritage conservation, equity in education and technology transfer.
Furthermore, the AGYA members deal with issues related to education and science policy. AGYA builds bridges and facilitates diverse forms of access to research cooperation, academic freedom and democratic self-administration. In addition, AGYA promotes women in science in a targeted way and makes an important contribution to gender equity.
DAAD African-German Centre: Holistic approach to food systems
Africa is on the brink of a food security crisis due, among other things, to climate change and a growing population. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is setting up an African-German Centre for food security in South Africa with a focus on Southern Africa. The planned centre is supported in cooperation by the BMBF, Federal Foreign Office and Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture on the German side and the Department of Science and Innovation in South Africa. For the areas of education, research and transfer, the centre will pool the thematic areas of production, processing, marketing and food consumption to enable a holistic approach to looking at food systems.
AIMS brings together students from all across Africa
AIMS students and graduates come from 43 different African countries.
EU and multilateral cooperation
The BMBF is in regular contact with the members of the African Union and Arab partner countries to strengthen cooperation in science and research.
Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Regional Platform in Research and Innovation
The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) is an important intergovernmental institution which brings together all EU countries and 15 countries of the southern and eastern Mediterranean to promote dialogue and cooperation. Its Regional Platform on Research and Innovation plays a central role in funding joint projects and initiatives in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA)
PRIMA’s objective is to use research and innovation to effectively tackle the challenges currently faced in the Mediterranean region in the fields of agricultural and food systems and water shortages. Twelve EU Member States and eight countries of the Mediterranean in Africa and the Middle East are involved. Funding is provided for the priority areas water management, agricultural systems, agro-food value added chains and the nexus between water, energy, food and the ecosystem.
High Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD)
The EU and the African Union exchange views on research and development policy issues in the HLPD. In this dialogue, the BMBF represents Germany. The aim of the HLPD is to define and implement long-term priorities to strengthen the African-European collaboration in science, technology and innovation. The partnerships currently implement priorities in three areas defined by the HLPD, namely food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture (FNSSA), climate change and sustainable energy (CCSE) and innovation between Africa and Europe (INNO).
Editorial deadline for this text: 01.11.2024