Startchancen Programme


The Startchancen programme supports schools with a high proportion of underserved students. It is the largest and most long-term education programme in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany.


  • The Startchancen programme of the Federal Government aims to improve equality of opportunity in education and helps to break the close link between social background and educational success.
  • We need a turnaround and it must start with a focus on basic skills. Our Startchancen programme places special emphasis on strengthening the basic skills: reading, writing and arithmetic.
  • The programme aims to provide impetus and foster what's new – well beyond the Startchancen schools themselves. With funding attuned to actual needs and a science-led approach, we want to improve the performance of the education sector overall.
  • The Startchancen programme is an investment in our future! We want to tap the potential of young people and renew the promise of advancement – for a self-determined start in life, to ensure successful educational biographies and for tomorrow's skills supply.

Largest education programme in the history of the country

The Startchancen programme is the largest education programme in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Federal Government and the Länder are investing approximately 20 billion euros over a period of ten years. Some 4,000 schools with a high proportion of socially disadvantaged students will receive targeted support through the programme.

Break the link between educational success and social background

National and international studies have shown that scholastic success in Germany still depends on one’s social background. A large proportion of young people leave school without the necessary skills for a successful start in working life. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is that we need to start early and with the development of basic competences to prevent wasting the young generation’s potential.

The aim of this programme of the Federal Government and the Länder is to break the link between scholastic achievement and family background and ensure greater equality of opportunity. The focus is not merely on financial support from the Federal Government, but rather on systemic change and giving a boost to the performance of the education system.

The Federal Government and Länder put up 20 billion euros

The programme started in the 2024/2025 school year and will run for ten years. The Federal Government is making available an additional sum of up to one billion euros per year. The Länder are matching this volume of funding, bringing total investment to 20 billion euros over ten years’ time. The aim is to provide support where the challenges are greatest. The funds will therefore be distributed attuned to the needs of some 4,000 schools with a high proportion of socially disadvantaged school students. About one million school students will benefit from funding this way.

The Startchancen programme in numbers

  • 4,000

    Startchancen schools

  • 20 billion

    euros from Federal Government and Länder

  • 10

    years duration

  • 1 million

    school students benefit from the programme

The funding allocated to a Land by the Federal Government under this programme takes account of social conditions. In particular, the proportion of young people living below the poverty line or with a migrant background is a major criterion. The Länder distribute the funding to the Startchancen schools within their territory.

2,125 schools are off to a start

A total of 2,125 schools started their participation in the programme on 1 August 2024, which is more than twice as many schools as originally planned. By the 2026/27 school year, there will be some 4,000 Startchancen schools in all of Germany.

Click on the image to open a map of where the individual Startchancen schools are in each Land:

Selection of schools

The schools which are to receive support are selected by the host Land on the basis of transparent, appropriate criteria. The criteria are science-led and geared towards the aims of the Startchancen programme. Because the first school years in particular lay the groundwork for educational success, roughly 60 percent of the supported school students will be primary school pupils. In addition to primary schools, secondary and vocational schools will also benefit from the Startchancen programme.

Strengthening basic skills and future competences

Special emphasis is placed on strengthening basic skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic. By the end of the programme period, the goal is to cut by half the number of students at Startchancen schools who are not meeting the minimum standards in mathematics and German. Funding is also aimed at promoting students’ personal growth. The programme supports young people in acquiring the necessary skills for the future such as participation in democratic life.

Support for school development

To achieve the aims of the Startchancen programme, measures will be taken to professionalize and further develop established structures in instruction and teaching staff at the participating schools. This includes stronger networking among teachers, school students, parents, educational staff, and non-school players such as training companies or school networks. Investments will also be made in better infrastructure and equipment at schools.

In addition, the Länder will establish corresponding structures in education administration to enable target definition, monitoring of the process and achievement of the programme aims.

The three pillars of the programme

To achieve the programme’s aims, the Startchancen schools will receive targeted funding for three pillars of the programme:

Pillar I: Investment in a modern environment conducive to learning

The objective of the investment programme is to contribute to establishing modern, climate-conscious and accessible places of learning. Investments will target high-quality equipment and modern infrastructure.

Pillar II: “Opportunities budget” for solutions in school and curriculum development that are attuned to needs

The “opportunities budget” is to create scope for the people on the ground in positions of responsibility and who are committed to shaping everyday relations at school. The aim is a significant increase in the autonomy enjoyed by schools.

Pillar III: Staffing up multi-professional teams

Particular focus of this pillar is on guidance and support for school students, interaction with parents that promotes learning, development of a positive school culture, and support for the target group to make use of government financial assistance. In addition to youth and community workers and school social workers, specialist educators from other disciplines are to be able to contribute their strengths and expertise.

Concrete implementation of the individual pillars is needs-based and school-related.

Accompanying research and evaluation

The Startchancen programme is meant to develop maximum momentum and become a model for the future. Therefore, as a self-learning programme, it will be accompanied by research and evaluation after being launched.

Digital transfer platform

A national digital transfer platform will be developed to promote achievement of the Startchancen programme’s aims. In future, users are to enjoy easy access to quality-assured information, materials and tools generated by and from the programme.

Editorial deadline for this text: 01.11.2024