Higher Education

Topline der Themenseite

Students are the skilled staff of tomorrow. Higher education institutions are becoming more diverse and more international. That is why the Federal Government supports high-quality, affordable higher education nationwide.


  • We promote attractive conditions for studies for the young generation and high-quality teaching all over Germany.
  • BAföG provides educational opportunities. It helps secure one's livelihood during studies.
  • We promote international exchanges of students at German higher education institutions and create attractive conditions for international students in Germany.
  • This is how we train the academic skilled staff of tomorrow, strengthen science in Germany over the long term and improve its international competitiveness.

Higher education institutions with good study conditions and a high quality of studies and teaching are central drivers for the skills base and thus for innovativeness. They train academic skilled staff and thereby make a major contribution to scientific, societal and economic progress and to safeguarding the prosperity in our country. That is why the Federal Government supports higher education institutions across the country and advocates better conditions in studies and teaching.

BAföG has been providing educational opportunities for young people for more than half a century. The Federal Government provides individual BAföG assistance to equip learners with the financial means they need to cover their studies and living expenses if they and their parents (or any spouses or life partners) are unable to cover these costs themselves.

International exchange provides many opportunities to students – to learn in an international environment, gain insight into other cultures and enhance their language skills. Industry and society also benefit from international exchanges of students. The BMBF funds and supports student mobility. In addition, the BMBF campaigns to boost the attractiveness of higher education and research in Germany for international students and researchers.

Editorial deadline for this text: 01.11.2024